For those interested here is a link for more details.
Now onto some old pieces from the 1970's in no particular order [organised as I am].
The first is a 'sketch' [it was done on tracing paper with a felt pen in 1974, according to the date].
You'll guess the subject if you think about it [grin].
Sorry about the quality but I only have a faded photocopy to show.
Below is a slightly cropped copy of the original art for a Graphic/Comic fanzine called 'Graphic Sense'.
It shows one of my robot designs of that period.
It dates, thanks to a coloured version I found on ebay [see link below] to August !979.
Finally, for this post from the 70's [or early 80's] is a more comic version of 'The knight and the dragon'. From what and why? No idea, but maybe somebody can help out like before.
and of course, the art was shown in an earlier post. What I do know is the original art is not available, mainly because it's lost or misplaced [read stolen].
Now I did promise a fan on Facebook another Games Workshop Space Marine picture and here it is.

Next, a picture I forgot [sigh] to add on the last post
The French version of 'Heroes of Magnamund' has been proposed by Le Grimoire which will included new work by a variety of artists and maybe some work by myself. If your French is good and you've an interest check out and the kickstarter version ...
The first is the design for Blackbird Raum.

Next the design for the record company.
So that is it for the present. Next will be a complete set of the illustrations for one of Dave Morris's books.