Sunday 18 November 2012

So what's new?

Having delved into the distant past in the last two posts it's time to look to what is happening now. Well, simply I'm busy with a range of different projects, all with differing schedules, most of which I cannot mention at the moment except to say they are nicely diverse and include work for new games, a record cover, a map and a book cover. 

Fine and good but what can I post? Well here is a selection from at least one new job as well as a couple of oldies to end with.

I recently completed a few pieces for RuneQuest: Monster Island, which comes out next year. See the site for more details. 

Having trouble 'uploading' so if the next are oldies you've seen before ... my apologies.

This last was a sort of 'redo' of old pieces showing of examples of my work and to act as banner [I believe] for Bambooraven many years ago.  

Sorry for short post but who knows next time...:)

Thanks for being there.

Now ... back to the drawing board. 

Postscript: Forgot [busy, busy, busy] to mention that one of the games is related to the excellent AFF first brought out by Graham Bottley, and will appear in France soon with some additional work by myself. For those interested the link is
and Graham is soon to bring out the second AFF book in the series and will be at Dragonmeet 2012  I had hoped to be there but as I've mentioned; I'm busy, busy, busy ;)!

Also, if you've the time do check out Dave's latest Fabled Lands blogpost about Abraxas.

Now, once more to the draw mobile! 


  1. Hello Russ,
    I found your monsters so great ! My favorite is the... how do you call that ? bone-monster maybe ? And your banner just amazing ... Thank you for sharing your artwork with us :-)
    .. I can't wait seing your color cover ...

    1. Thanks Emmanuel :). The book cover is a 'slow' burner at the moment so do not expect it too soon.

  2. Oh man, I knew it was good time to get back in to Runequest.

  3. Abraxas has been generating more positive comments than I expected. It'd be quite something if it could see the light after all these years :-)

    1. Btw Russ, I have to ask - is that book cover you mentioned the one for John Whitbourn's latest novel, perchance?

  4. Perchance it is, and thank you for the recommend :)!

  5. A novel by my favourite fantasy author with a cover by my favourite fantasy artist! It really must be nearly Christmas :-)

  6. :) Yes Dave, but not this year... sorry.


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